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Virtuemart Shopping cart

VirtueMart is an open-source, free shopping cart plug-in designed to function with Joomla. If you have installed Joomla on your server, the best eCommerce solution for you is VirtueMart. When compared to a full-blown eCommerce platform, VirtueMart is lightweight and specifically designed for medium sized online stores. eCommerce websites definitely require a light weight shopping cart solution that fulfills all the user requirements. Our VirtueMart Development services are the perfect solution for Joomla (and Mambo) based Websites. It leverages the various benefits of Joomla CMS system to give a well integrated and resourceful shopping cart. Equipped to take full advantage of SEO friendly URLS, User registrations, Backend administration and other features of Joomla, VirtueMart developers also enable seamless integration with a variety of payment options giving store owners the flexibility they require.

Avail Quality Virtuemart Developers

Our teams of Joomla and VirtueMart developers have years of experience in developing and designing solutions that cater to a wide array of businesses making them competent enough to tackle even the most complex client requirements. The following are a few of the features that we can implement on your online store:

  1. Handle and manage multiple Products and Categories
  2. Sell downloadable goods easily
  3. Robust Administration tools
  4. CSV Files for Product Import and Exports.
  5. Add Spec. Sheets or Flyers (images, files, etc.) to a product
  6. Shopper Groups to manage Customers
  7. Assign different prices to different Shopper Groups
  8. Provide statistics like new orders, new customers, etc.
  9. Stock Levels can be easily managed for products and items
  10. Integrate with other APIs
  11. ‘Special’ to feature specific products
  12. Enable shoppers manage their User accounts
  13. Manage Different currencies
  14. Safe SSL encryption
  15. Enable Live Credit card Processing
  16. Integrate with multiple Payment Gateways
  17. Many more features customized to suit specific requirements.
  18. On and Off price display (works as a catalogue as well as a store)
  19. Store owner based or Zone based Tax Calculations for convenience
  20. Shoppers are given details like Shipping time on product display pages
  21. Customizable Order confirmation Mails for both Store owner and Shopper